Center for Global Automatic Identification Technologies

RFID and IOT Club

The RFID and IOT club is focused on student led research and projects concerning RFID and IOT devices and applications. We try to pair students up with projects and funding from PolyGAIT so they can get paid for the work the do in the lab.


The club hosts open lab hours every Wednesday from 12-2 in the PolyGAIT lab, room 4-106A.


Current projects include asset/inventory tracking using drones, reusable container tracking for campus dining, a reminder system for hospital employee hand sanitization, and the creation of an IOT course in the Cal Poly IME department.


If you have any questions please contact one of the following officers:

President - James Foster: jrfoster@calpoly.edu

Vice-President - Maxime Jeanneau: mjeannea@calpoly.edu

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